A Tax-Deferred Annuity can help manage your income during retirement years and help ensure that you will not outlive your money.

The Distinct advantages of an annuity over other types of savings plans and investments are:

  • Interest earnings are tax-deferred, which means that interest is not taxed until withdrawn.
  • There are flexible payment and withdrawal options available.
  • An ATS Annuity may provide for a lifetime of income.

ATS Deferred Annuity Features:

  • Flexible Premiums (Deposits)
    Deposits may be regular or flexible. The amount and/ or number of deposits can vary monthly and/or annually. The minimum initial deposit is $300 for Adults, $150 for children ages 0 to 15. The minimum deposits are $25. For convenience, payments can be made by electronic transfer from your checking/bank account.
  • Maturity Date
    You decide on the Annuity maturity date, usually it will be near or at retirement age. Prior to settlement, the maturity date can be changed at any time.
  • Competitive Interest Earnings
    Competitive interest rates are anticipated. Current interest rates will be adjusted from time to time, as necessary, to reflect economic changes. However, the ATS interest rate on current purchased annuities will never be lower than 3.0%. Current Interest Rate is 4.0%.
  • Withdrawals
    ATS imposes a small surrender charge for early withdrawals in the first five years:

    • First Year 7%
    • Second Year 6%
    • Third Year 5%
    • Fourth Year 4%
    • Fifth Year 2%
      No surrender charges after the fifth year. Withdrawal from your annuity before you reach age 59 ½, the interest funds may be subject to a 10 percent penalty levied by the IRS. Free partial withdrawals. Each year, you may make one annual withdrawal of up to 10 percent of the annuity value without paying a surrender charges. If you withdraw funds before age 59 ½, tax penalties may apply. Interest-Only payments can be sent, without surrender charges to the annuitant immediately following issue. Tax penalties may apply. Interest payments may be made monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
  • Death Benefits
    If you die before drawing benefits, your beneficiary(ies) will receive the accumulated value of the Annuity, including all interest earned. If your death occurs after benefit payments begin, your beneficiary(ies) will receive the remaining value of your funds, in accordance with the Settlement Option you have chosen. Payments are made directly to your named beneficiary(ies).
  • Avoid Probate
    One advantage to your heirs, is the payment of your annuity funds avoids probate which eliminates expense, delay, frustration and public records.
  • Free Management
    There are no administrative charges or fees. All funds deposited are credited to your account to earn interest for you.
  • IRA Qualification
    The ATS Annuity is qualified for funding Traditional or ROTH IRA’s. Our contracts conform to IRS regulations.
  • Traditional vs. ROTH IRA
    Both Traditional and ROTH IRAs provide generous tax breaks. But it’s a matter of timing when you get to claim them. Traditional IRA contributions are tax deductible on both state and federal tax returns for the year you make the contribution, while withdrawals in retirement are taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Roth IRAs provide no tax break for contributions, but earnings and withdrawals are generally tax-free. So with traditional IRAs, you avoid taxes when you put the money in. With Roth IRAs, you avoid taxes when you take it out in retirement. One major difference between traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs is when the savings must be withdrawn. Traditional IRAs require you to start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) at age 72. Roth IRAs, on the other hand, don’t mandate withdrawals during the owner’s lifetime. So, if you don’t need the money, Roth IRAs can continue to grow tax-free throughout your lifetime, making them ideal wealth-transfer vehicles. Beneficiaries of Roth IRAs don’t owe income tax on withdrawals and can stretch out distributions over many years. Both traditional and Roth IRAs allow owners to begin taking penalty-free, “qualified” distributions at age 59 ½. However, Roth IRAs require that the first contribution be at least five years before qualified distributions begin.

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